Why You Must Seek Medical Attention Immediately After a Car Accident

Car accidents can be terrifying, leaving you shaken and disoriented. You may think it’s just a minor fender-bender and seeking medical attention isn’t necessary.

But you should always see a doctor after any wreck to protect your health. You may be hurt and not realize it immediately. Plus, waiting to get medical treatment can make it harder to get compensation if you need to file a personal injury case.

Always see a doctor after a collision, and contact an experienced Alpharetta car accident attorney if you’ve been hurt.

A Car Accident Can Cause Internal Injuries

Car accidents can cause a wide range of injuries, and some may not be immediately obvious. The force from an accident can damage organs or other structures inside the body.

Internal injuries can occur in many different ways, such as blunt trauma from hitting the steering wheel or dashboard, or from being struck by debris caused by the collision. Common internal injuries include organ damage, internal bleeding, and rib fractures.

It’s important to seek medical attention after a car accident even if you don’t feel any pain or discomfort. If left untreated, internal injuries can lead to serious health complications and even death.

Shock Will Delay the Onset of Pain and Other Symptoms

One of the reasons why seeking medical attention immediately after a car accident is crucial is because shock can delay the onset of pain and other symptoms. When you are in a car accident, your body goes into fight or flight mode, causing a surge of adrenaline that masks any pain or discomfort you may be feeling.

This can trick you into thinking that you are not injured and do not need medical care. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth – just because you don’t feel immediate pain doesn’t mean there isn’t something wrong.

You May Not Realize You Have Whiplash or a Concussion

It could be days or weeks before you notice symptoms of some car wreck injuries, such as a concussion or soft tissue damage. A delay in treatment could allow these conditions to worsen over time.

Here are some signs to watch out for:

  • A headache could be a sign of a concussion or other traumatic brain injury.
  • Neck pain, back pain, numbness, and tingling are symptoms of spinal cord damage.
  • If you have neck pain and limited range of motion, there’s a good chance you have whiplash.
  • Back pain is common after a motor vehicle accident and could point to a slipped or herniated disc or other back injuries.

A woman with whiplash from a rear-end collision.

You Need Evidence the Wreck Caused Your Injuries

After a car wreck, seeking medical attention is crucial not only for your health but also for a personal injury case. One of the key components in any car accident claim is proving causation, which means showing a direct link between your injuries and the accident itself.

Without proper medical documentation or expert testimony to support this link, it can be challenging to prove your case in court. Insurance adjusters may use this lack of evidence as a reason to deny your claim or offer you less compensation than you deserve.

If you end up filing a lawsuit, you’ll need medical documentation to prove your case.

Insurance Companies Use Delays in Seeking Medical Care as a Reason to Deny or Underpay Claims

Insurance companies often argue that not seeking medical care immediately shows your injuries were not severe or that they were not related to the accident. They may also argue that any delay in treatment worsened your condition.

The insurance company will argue that you failed to mitigate damages. This is a defense that basically means you are partially responsible because you didn’t minimize the harm from an accident and so you don’t deserve full compensation.

This can lead to a significant reduction of your settlement amount – especially if you are left with permanent injuries and ask for loss of earning capacity and costs with future medical care in your claim.

This can lead to a significant reduction of your settlement amount – especially if you are left with permanent injuries and ask for loss of earning capacity and costs with future medical care in your claim.

Call an Experienced Alpharetta Car Accident Attorney Today!

Seeking medical attention immediately after a car accident is critical to your physical and financial well-being. Don’t delay getting the care you need, as doing so may negatively impact your insurance claim or lawsuit.

If you’ve been in a wreck, don’t hesitate to contact an experienced Alpharetta car accident attorney at our law firm.  We can help guide you through the legal process and will fight for the compensation you deserve.

We offer each new client a free case review, giving you the chance to understand your legal rights. Call us now at 678-635-9939!